Source: Player.js

const { EventEmitter } = require('events');
const { WebSocket } = require('ws');

 * Represents a Player that connects to a node and interacts with a guild's session.
 * @extends EventEmitter
 * @class
class Player extends EventEmitter {
	 * Creates a new Player instance.
	 * @param {Object} options - The options for the Player.
	 * @param {string} options.guildId - The ID of the guild.
	 * @param {Object} options.node - The node to connect to.
	constructor(options) {

		 * The ID of the guild.
		 * @type {string}
		this.guildId = options.guildId;

		 * The node to connect to.
		 * @type {string}
		this.node = options.node;

		 * The connection information.
		 * @type {Object}
		this.connectionInfo = {
			token: null,
			endpoint: null,
			sessionId: null,

		 * Listening web socket, works with NodeLink only
		 * @type {Object}
		this.listeningWebSocket = null;

		 * The position of the track
		 * @type {number}
		 * @default 0
		this.position = 0;

		 * The track that is currently playing
		 * @type {Object}
		this.track = null;

		 * Whether the player is paused
		 * @type {boolean}
		 * @default false
		this.paused = false;

		 * The volume of the player
		 * @type {number}
		 * @default 100
		this.volume = 100;

		 * The filters of the player
		 * @type {Object}
		 * @default {}
		this.filters = {};

		 * The status of the player
		 * @type {string}
		 * @default 'stopped'
		this.status = 'stopped';

	 * Function for handling events
	 * @function
	 * @param {Object} data - The data to handle
	handleEvents = (data) => {
		switch (data.type) {
			case 'TrackStartEvent':
				this.emit('trackStart', data.track);
				this.emit('start', data.track);
				this.track = data.track;
				this.status = 'playing';
			case 'TrackEndEvent':
				this.emit('trackEnd', data.track);
				this.emit('end', data.track);
				this.track = null;
				this.status = 'stopped';
			case 'TrackExceptionEvent':
				this.emit('trackException', data.track);
				this.track = null;
				this.status = 'stopped';
			case 'TrackStuckEvent':
				this.emit('trackStuck', data.track);
				this.track = null;
				this.status = 'stopped';
			case 'WebSocketClosedEvent':
				this.emit('webSocketClosed', data);
				this.track = null;
				this.status = 'stopped';

	 * Function for handling player updates
	 * @function
	 * @param {Object} data - The data to handle
	 * @return {Object} - This player instance
	handlePlayerUpdate = (data) => {
		this.position = data.state.position;
		this.lastUpdate = data.state.time;
		this.connected = data.state.connected; =;

	 * Start connection between LavaLink/NodeLink and Discord voice server
	 * @function
	 * @async
	connect = async () => {
			voice: {
				token: this.connectionInfo.token,
				endpoint: this.connectionInfo.endpoint,
				sessionId: this.connectionInfo.sessionId,

	 * Update player data
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @param {Object} data - The data to update
	 * @param {boolean} noReplace - Whether to replace the data
	 * @return {Object} - Request result
	update = async (data, noReplace) => {
		if (!this.node.sessionId) throw new Error('Node is not ready');
		const res = await globalThis.fetch(
			}?noReplace=${!noReplace ? true : noReplace}`,
				method: 'PATCH',
				headers: {
					Authorization: this.node.pass,
					'Content-Type': 'application/json',
				body: JSON.stringify(data),
		return await res.json();

	 * Destroy this player on the server
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @return {Object} - Request result
	destroy = async () => {
		const res = await globalThis.fetch(
				method: 'DELETE',
				headers: {
					Authorization: this.node.pass,
		return res;

	 * Get this player's information
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @return {Object} - This player's information
	get = async () => {
		if (!this.node.sessionId) throw new Error('Node is not ready');
		const res = await globalThis.fetch(
				headers: {
					Authorization: this.node.pass,
		const result = await res.json();
		this.position = result.state.position; =;
		this.connected = result.state.connected;
		return result;

	 * Plays a track
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @param {Object} data - The data to play
	 * @param {string} data.track - The base64 encoded track to play
	 * @return {Object} - Request result
	play = async (data) => {
		return await this.update(data);

	 * Pause playing
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @return {Object} - Request result
	pause = async () => {
		this.paused = true;
		return await this.update({
			paused: true,

	 * Resume playing
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @return {Object} - Request result
	resume = async () => {
		this.paused = false;
		return await this.update({
			paused: false,

	 * Stop playing
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @returns {Object} - Request result
	stop = async () => {
		this.track = null;
		return await this.update({
			track: null,

	 * Set volume
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @param {number} data - The volume to set
	 * @return {Object} - Request result
	setVolume = async (data) => {
		if (data >= 1000 || data < 0) {
			throw new Error('Volume must be between 0 and 1000');
		} else {
			this.volume = data;
			return await this.update({
				volume: data,

	 * Set filter
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @param {Object} data - The filter to set
	 * @return {Object} - This node instance
	setFilter = async (data) => {
		this.filters = { ...this.filters, };
		return await this.update({
			filters: data,

	 * Clear filter
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @return {Object} - Request result
	clearFilter = async () => {
		this.filters = {};
		return await this.update({
			filters: {},

	 * Get volume
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @return {number} - Volume
	getVolume = async () => {
		const { volume } = await this.get();
		return volume;

	 * Get filters
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @return {Object} - Filters
	getFilters = async () => {
		const { filters } = await this.get();
		return filters;

	 * Seek track
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @param {number} int - The position to seek to
	 * @return {number} - Request result
	seek = async (int) => {
		this.position = int;
		return await this.update({
			position: int,

	 * Start listening on VC
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @return {Object} - An event emitter for listening
	startListen = async () => {
		if (this.listeningWebSocket) return this.listeningWebSocket;
		const listener = new EventEmitter();
		const listeningWebSocket = new WebSocket(`${this.node.url}/connection/data`, {
			headers: {
				Authorization: this.node.pass,
				'user-id': this.node.botId,
				'guild-id': this.guildId,
				'Client-Name': this.node.userAgent,
		this.listeningWebSocket = listeningWebSocket;
		listeningWebSocket.on('open', function () {
		listeningWebSocket.on('message', function (data) {
			const message = JSON.parse(data);
			if (message.type === 'startSpeakingEvent') {
  					op: 'speak',
  					type: 'startSpeakingEvent',
  					data: { userId: '897295756124360744', guildId: '919809544648020008' }
			if (message.type == 'endSpeakingEvent') {
  					op: 'speak',
  					type: 'endSpeakingEvent',
  					data: {
    					userId: '897295756124360744',
    					guildId: '919809544648020008',
						data: 'Raw PCM data'
						type: 'pcm'
		listeningWebSocket.on('close', function () {
		listeningWebSocket.on('error', function () {
		return listener;

	 * Stop listening on VC
	 * @function
	 * @async
	 * @return {Boolean} Return true if stopped listening
	stopListen = async () => {
		if (!this.listeningWebSocket) return false;
		this.listeningWebSocket = null;
		return true;

module.exports = { Player };